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Sonrise Media

Your Online Christian Radio Station
Our Story

Welcome home to SONRISE MEDIA; the home of the Globe’s only tri-lingual Christian Online Radio Station (and soon additional TV Channel) sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ right across the Globe. Our primary languages are English, Native Fijian and Fiji Hindi. Intermittently, secondary languages spoken by some Fiji Families like Rotuman, Banaban, Tuvaluan and Tamil with their respective artists, Choirs and messages will be enjoyed by you our Global audiences.

Indeed, a one stop fellowship hub for all living Fijians in beloved Fiji, the Global Fijian Diaspora and all who would stop by our fellowship hub.

SONRISE MEDIA is a non-denominational, apolitical and non-discriminatory Christian Media Group.

SONRISE MEDIA has long term contract for broadcast-ready Radio and a Television Channel. Both Channels will be complementing each other in programming and reach.

Incorporated in Australia as SONRISE MEDIA LIMITED, ACN 657 005 564; a charitable company shares by guarantee with our Head Quarters in Brisbane, Queensland.

Fijians far and wide, including our Fijian Missionaries of all denominations in other countries who may not have access to a terrestrial station can now download the SONRISE free App and join the rest of us in Global fellowship and outreach. Indeed, He who sits above the circle of the earth was thinking globally in His command for Christians to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Our statement of faith and SONRISE MEDIA’s other services are in the links provided.


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